Saturday, September 6, 2008

Bishop Kelley Partnership

(Check out this video Gavin's Mom put together.)

The Bishop Kelley football team has partnered with Mended Little Hearts of Tulsa. Bishop Kelley requires their students to provide a specified number of service hours before they can graduate. Their coaches, one of which is Bailey's Dad (see post below), felt MLH would be a great way to help their players and our kids. These boys come to our meetings and help entertain the little ones, they were our lifeguards at this summer's pool party, and will be organizing and assisting in an upcoming fundraiser. Last night during half-time, each MLH child was escorted onto the football field by a player, while their names and CHD were announced. Most of the kiddos are little bitty, so a parent went as well. It was so fun for us, and I think the players were very respectful and touched as well.

(I'm not sure who's pictured here ... I just love the way the players are stooping to talk to the little ones.)
When it was Claira's turn, she and I walked hand-in-hand with Steven, her very own football player. All of the players were paired up with a child, except for two. Manning's (see post below) and Emma's; Manning was unable to be there because he is in the hospital waiting for a new heart, and Emma watched from above as she left this world several weeks ago at 3 months of age ... her player walked in her memory. It was touching to see the expression on his face, as it was obvious he understood the importance of his role last night. One other baby was escorted by his big brother, who was suited up in his Tulsa Memorial uniform.

1 comment:

mindyluwho said...

My eyes got all teary reading about the football player walking in Emma's memory. What a great experience for these players and these children.

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Thank you David and Gina Brim for helping to express our gratitude for an amazing show of compassion and generosity.